Methods: Pathogenic bacteria of Vibrionaceae was increased by alkaline peptone water, separated by TCBS slab and identified by biochemical system. 方法:采用碱性胨水增菌、TCBS平板分离和系统生化鉴定分离病原菌。
This bench-scale study on the filamentous bulking of activated sludge has been carried out with "wastewater" prepared by our dissolving glucose, peptone, sodium sulfide and sodium acetate respectively in water. 本研究是在实验室条件下,分别以葡萄糖、蛋白胨、硫化钠和醋酸钠配制成污水进行活性污泥丝状膨胀的研究。
Methods KLIGLER agar, nitrate broth, urea agar, peptone water, nutrient gelatin were inoculated with lawn of 3 standard strains, then incubated at 37 ℃. 方法将标准菌株接种血琼脂,取菌苔分别接种克氏双糖铁琼脂、硝酸盐培养基、尿素培养基、蛋白胨水、明胶液化培养基,37℃培养,观察结果。